The Bouviers des Flandres Club UK
The Bouvier des Flandres Club UK was founded in 1977, aiming to establish and promote the breed with continued care and diligence. It is an open membership club, registered at the Kennel Club, and the members are breeders and owners.
The Club holds two breed shows per year. One Open Show for those who want to start exhibiting a dog and one Championship Show which is the club’s premier event on the calendar. These events are usually held in the Midlands and are well worth attending whether you are exhibiting or not as they are one of the few places to see a large group of Bouviers together. More information can be found on the Showing pages.
Members of the Bouvier Club usually receive two or three newsletters (club magazines) per year with subjects ranging from a problem page to show critiques, photograph competitions to articles on hereditary conditions. It is one way of keeping in touch with other Bouvier owners and maybe following your pet’s parents or little brother/sisters show career.
Articles and contributions are always welcome, please email to
We hope you find this website helpful, naturally we cannot cover all aspects fully, so should you need any further help or information please contact the current secretary of the club whose details can be found on the Officers and Committee page.